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Pearl Modiadie Weighs In On The Tembisa Protests

Pearl Modiadie Weighs In On The Tembisa Protests. Everyone would feel the same way about their own Township. Pearl Modiadie credits Tembisa for making her who she is today, so it is a given that anything that happens in the township, is bound to touch her.

Two years ago, the media personality, actress and cooperate events MC, helped young people in her hometown Tembisa with making their family bonds strong. This was through the 3rd season of It Takes A Village reality show. In one interview about the show, the emotional Pearl said it was so important to her because Tembisa is where she comes from. All she wanted was for everybody in the township to also see their potential and see what they can become if they dream beyond their circumstances.

This time around though, Tembisa is making news for not-so-great news. Tembisa residents have taken to the streets protesting against expensive electricity bills among other services. The angry residents have shut down the east rand township, blockading roads and burning tyres. According to reports, the main rate hall Rabasotho Hall was burnt to the ground with several cars. Two residents have so far been shot dead amidst the protests.

Taking to Twitter, Pear expressed her sadness, and wishes things could be done differently.

It saddens me what’s happening in Tembisa and it’s getting out of control. What I can’t make sense of is the vandalizing of the same infrastructures that serve the community! The protests are 100% necessary, but destroying properties is counterproductive,” Pearl said.

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