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Lerato Kganyago Shares Heartbreaking News of A Miscarriage

Lerato Kganyago Shares Heartbreaking News of A Miscarriage. Many were camping by her timeline to see what she got for Valentines’ Day. Sadly, they were not aware that Lerato Kganyago was going through immense loss.

The award winning media personality, DJ and entrepreneur has been quite open about her past miscarriages and fertility problems. In 2017 Lerato revealed she endured two miscarriages. Like many women who have went through this, she was left devastated. She has also suffered from fibroids, which were removed but did return, increasing her chances of miscarrying again. Because of the pain she went through Lerato blocked the idea of having children completely. In spite of all this, Lerato’s fans refer to her as mother, a title she carries with such grace. 

No matter, how dire a situation can be, hope never dies. Lerato Kganyago did try for a baby once again, but her hopes came crushing down once again. A week ago, she lost her unborn child, just two days before Valentines’ Day. Opening up about the pregnancy, Lerato shared that it changed from the most happiest to being the painful part of her February. She is however thankful to the support she got from colleagues, bosses, family and friends. Being the strong woman she is, Lerato added that she will never give up.

Pardon my silence. This was the most happiest but become painful part of this Month Of Love! Thank you to my supportive colleagues, my bosses, my family and my friends I’m strong and will never give up,” Lerato said.

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