Celeb News

“Be Human 1st,” Donald Has Advice For Upcoming Stars

“Be Human 1st,” Donald Has Advice For Upcoming Stars. A lot of the time fame changes people. There is a lot of money that suddenly comes in, you become a household name, people worship you, and the fringe benefits get galore. All of this is enough to change a person’s personality completely.

The sad part is that sometimes your stardom fades, based on how you handled yourself while you were at the top. We have seen the likes of the late Vinoliah Mashego, Nonhle Thema, Denise Zimba, Chommee, fall from grace after being among the top stars South Africa has ever produced. This goes on to show that everyone is replaceable in the industry, and there is always a bunch of talented young people waiting to take over.

Because of such things, Donald has found it fit to give advice to those who have just entered the industry. The award winning musician has cautioned upcoming artists against letting fame get into their heads. Donald who has vast experienced in the industry told those who might be puffed up with pride that once fame goes, they won’t know who they really are as a humans.

“Small advice to upcoming artists, actors, TV personalities etc Please don’t let the FAME define you because one day it will be gone and you won’t know who you really are as a human. Be human 1s,” Donald said.

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