
5 Amazing Health Benefits Of Red Wine

5 Amazing Health Benefits Of Red Wine. Your red wine habits are not that bad after all. Although a glass of red wine is a fabulous way to de-stress, it actually does way more than that. If taken in good quantities can be very good for your health. Here are some benefits that comes with drinking wine;

1.Boosts Heart Health

Active compounds in red wine, including polyphenols, resveratrol and quercetin, have proved to have cardioprotective properties. Numerous cross-sectional, observational and controlled studies show that drinking moderate amounts of red wine has beneficial effects on many different aspects related cardiovascular diseases.

2. Slows Aging

Although monks have believed for over a thousand years in wine’s anti-ageing properties, the theory is now backed by science. Harvard Medical School researchers have found that red wine’s magical compound resveratrol and the SIRT1 gene, also found in red wine, are definitely linked to increased health and a longer life span

3. Fights Obesity and Weight Gain

This is due to a compound found in grapes and other fruits (like blueberries and passion fruit) called piceatannol, which has a similar chemical structure to resveratrol. According to researchers, piceatannol blocks an immature fat cell’s ability to develop and grow. It’s also been found to alter the timing of gene expressions, gene functions and insulin functions during the fat cell’s metabolic process.

4. Stops Cancer

According to researchers at the University of Virginia, the resveratrol you get from drinking one glass of red wine three or four times a week may be enough to starve any nascent cancer cells. The scientists dosed human cancer cells with resveratrol and found that the compound inhibited the key action of a cancer-feeding protein.

5. Controls Blood Sugar

The skin of red grapes has rich source of red wine’s natural compound resveratrol. This may actually help diabetics regulate their blood sugar. Researchers suspect that resveratrol may help stimulate insulin secretion or activate a protein that helps regulate glucose and insulin sensitivity.

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