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Cassper Nyovest A Total Player?

So here it is, by now we all probably smell it from a mile away and we are most certain that even a blind man could figure it all out. What are we on about? Let’s just say this first and slowly so that you just don’t miss a thing. It’s splits-ville for Cassper Nyovest and Amanda Du Pont.


That quick? Oh yeah, there’s no more luvy-duvyness happening for the two and we don’t think that there will be anymore. It’s evident that multi-award Hip Hop winner Cassper is over the gorgeous Amanda and to make matters worse, during his energetic performance of Phumakim, Cassper, spiced up his lyrics to: ‘Even Amanda du-Pont wasn’t tailored for me, now I really f*** with women as famous as me.’

As you would have probably noticed. The original lyric to the hit song Phumakim was ‘If she ain’t no Amanda Du-Pont, She ain’t tailored for me, Cause I only f*** with women that’s as famous as me.’

Ouch! That hurts. We are just wondering how that sat with Amanda Du Point. Not well perhaps or could it be that she is over him as well? And speaking of Miss Du Pont, it has been silence from her side and it is too loud. Still getting over the hurt maybe?

Moving along….. Just after the act, social media was abuzz and the comments were flooding non-stop. So if Amanda Du Pont wasn’t tailored for Nyovest, who is then? Oh no, wait a minute. The gorgeous Minnie Dlamini is Cassper’s new woman crush.

Cassper really seems like a men with huge dreams and aims high , both with his career and the women he dates. Cassper is not shy to go for what he wants but it’s just a pity that Amanda is no longer the leading lady. She just got caught up in Cassper’s game. Sorry Miss Du Pont!

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