
Moti Brothers Reunited with Family

Moti Brothers Reunited with Family. The worst thing that any parent can go through, is the abduction Three weeks ago, South Africa came to a standstill when tragedy befell the Moti family. Not one, but four Moti brothers aged seven, 11, 13 and 15, were kidnapped in Limpopo on their way to school.

Zidan, Zayyad, Alaan and Zia Moti were abducted, allegedly by seven gunmen, while being driven from their home in Polokwane’s Nirvana suburb to the nearby Curro Heuwelkruin School on October 20. The children were forced out of the vehicle, leaving the 64-year-old driver behind. The siblings’ cellphones were later found dumped in Flora Park. The kidnappers did not communicate with the family, making the situations quite unbearable for the parents Naazim and Shakira Moti and South Africa at large.

On the 7th of November, the youngest brother Zian, celebrated his seventh birthday away from home. Members of the Muslim community in Cape Town also held a prayer for the brothers on Thursday, November 4 in District Six.

The great news is that the brothers have been found and have reunited with their parents. In a statement on the Facebook page of the family’s business Auto Moti on Thursday morning, the family said the boys had been reunited with their parents. Police in Vuwani also received a call from a local resident alerting officers that the children arrived at their house on Wednesday night, saying they were dropped off on a nearby road.

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