
Domestic Worker Seeks R5.7m Compensation from Pitso Mosimane and Wife over Work-Related Injuries

A dramatic turn of events has unfolded in the household of renowned soccer coach Pitso Mosimane and his wife, Moira Tlhagale. According to a report by Sunday World, the couple is facing a lawsuit from their domestic worker, who is seeking R5.7 million in damages. The worker alleges that she suffered severe injuries while performing her duties at their residence, resulting in long-term health consequences.

The incident in question occurred when the domestic worker was instructed to remove debris from the Mosimane’s home. Tragically, she fell during the course of this task, sustaining injuries that have left her borderline disabled. Moreover, the worker claims that the injuries have rendered her unable to fall pregnant and have biological children, a devastating blow to her personal life.

The worker is now seeking compensation for her injuries, loss of income, and emotional distress. The lawsuit has sparked a heated debate about the rights and protections afforded to domestic workers in South Africa. While the Mosimanes have yet to publicly respond to the allegations, the case has already drawn attention to the often-overlooked struggles faced by domestic workers in the country.

As the legal proceedings unfold, it remains to be seen how this high-profile case will impact the broader conversation around workers’ rights and employer responsibilities in South Africa. One thing is certain, however – the outcome will have far-reaching implications for domestic workers across the nation.

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