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The Big Chop! Tshepi Vundla Cuts Her Hair and Here Is Why

The Big Chop! Tshepi Vundla Cuts Her Hair and Here Is Why. As the saying goes, Happiness Is A Good Hair Day. When a someone spots a new and beautiful hairstyle, they are bound to ooze confidence and feel great about themselves.

Tshepi Vundla is one person who has always been big on how she wears her hair. The celebrity stylist and content creator is also not shy to experiment with her hair. In the past couple of years, Tshepi loved her hair blonde. She has had a blonde brush cut, and when going out, she will rock gorgeous blonde weaves.

Tshepi also loves protective hairstyles such as braids and faux locks. But we all know that sometimes, these hairstyles can be damaging, more especially to the hairline. When you tie them too tight, or have them for long, they usually come out with your hair, the time you undo the hairstyle.

Recently Tshepi noticed that her hair was falling out a lot after braids. She tried everything to save it, but nothing came through. After doing some health checks, she found out that she lacked Vitamin D, which helps regulate cell turnover to ensure continuous hair growth cycling. She it currently taking medication to sort out the deficiency. Tshepi has also decided to chop her hair, and start from fresh.

I had such healthy relaxed hair that @studio353hair had been maintaining then 2 months ago I noticed my hair was falling out a lot after I had braids, so I did treatments thinking I can save my hair but unfortunately they did not help me so Ayanda suggested I do blood tests to check my Iron, Vitamin D & for Thyroid. My results came back & my Vitamin D results came back almost non existent 😢 all the symptoms I been experiencing on top of the hair loss made sense. My GP prescribed Calciferol which I have to take once a week for the next 6 months. Ayanda then suggest we start over with my hair journey whilst the medication does what it’s supposed to do.

So this is it guys, myself & @studio353hair will be documenting my hair growth & journey & we’ll see how it goes whilst I get my Vitamin D levels up again.

PS I laugh when I’m super nervous 🤭
,” she said.

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