Advice Corner

Places To Help On Mandela Day

We have all learned along the previous years that in July we commemorate our great unforgettable icon, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. On his birthday we give 67 minutes of our time doing something that actually would uplift someone next to you or the community. It is all about letting go and allowing change to take place. 67 minutes can include doing anything, to fixing things, painting staff, cooking for the needy, donating etc. What matters is that your hand was part of the initiative that tries to make this better world to live in. Here are places to help out on Mandela Day.

Door of Hope

door of hope

Door of Hope is an organization that seeks to help in meeting the needs of the abandoned, abused and orphaned children in South Africa, by providing a loving and Christian environment for them. They rescue and receive any abandoned, aborted, abused and orphaned babies and children from any source in cooperation with other agencies. They provide a temporary Christian home for all their babies and children whilst seeking a forever family, suitable long term care or other permanent care for each one.

These are their monthly needs:

  • Purity no 1 ,2 and 3 vegetables
  • Cereal 2 and 3
  • Nan formula
  • Toddler snacks and juice
  • Macaroni, tinned vegetables and sauces
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Bum cream,baby wipes & nappies
  • Dischem vouchers for medicines
  • PnP vouchers for baby products


  • Nystacid oral and ointment
  • Bactroban
  • Daktarin gel
  • Ferrimed Iron Supplement
  • Epizone A and E
  • Multi vitamins for babies 0-12 months

For Aunties and Volunteers

Rooibos tea, sugar,coffee, long life milk, peanut butter ,bread

For Cleaning, Sterilizing

  • Surgical Gloves
  • Hand Sanitiser
  • Black refuse bags
  • Floor and furniture Polish
  • Air freshner
  • Auto washing powder

Libraries in the community and schools


You can go out as a company, organization, church or as an individual and donate books and other information tools to school library that need them. So they have better ways to broaden their knowledge and help towards their studies, in terms of assignments, research, tasks and so on.

Community Schools

community schools

The government has tried uplifting the state of schools in South Africa. Unfortunately there remains a massive shortfall of schools which are in need and are in an undesirable state. An initiative call 94 schools campaign that was launched in honoring the late Nelson Mandela’s 94 birthday aims at identifying 94 schools that. You can follow the initiative and identify schools in your area that need help, and help them.

Road Safety for children


A campaign to reduce the number of children killed and injured in road accidents, while honouring the memory of Nelson Mandela’s great-granddaughter Zenani, was launched in New York. Zenani Mandela was tragically killed in a car crash ahead of the 2010 Fifa World Cup, just two days after her 13th birthday. You can follow their project momentum by actually fixing the road structures in communities. Especially roads used by children to travel or walk to school.


Many people suffering from blood disorders need blood donations. You can save a life by going to the nearest SANBS fixed donor sites. For more information you can contact them at Tel: 011 761 9000 or Tel: 0800 11 9031 and their email is [email protected]. You can simply check out their website.



You can gather around with people in your community to help in patching them, in that way you make your community roads safer to drive.

Food parcels distributions

food parcels

You can identify places and communities where poverty is at a high level, and donate food parcels to those people. You can also identify orphanages and deliver food parcels for them.

Visit Retirement Villages/Old Age Homes

old age homes

Try and find out what props they are in of. You can gather those things and donate them on Mandela Day. Spend some time with the old people, give them attention. Cook a nice meal for them on the day.

Visit a Hospice


There are a number of Hospice places in South Africa where they providing care for the sick or terminally ill. You can help out with taking care of them. Read them stories, bring them famous people they admire. Provide prayer and try and show them that you care and they are not alone.

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