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Court Orders Jackie Phamotse To Stay Away From Basetsana And Romeo Kumalo

Court Orders Jackie Phamotse To Stay Away From Basetsana And Romeo Kumalo. Last month Jackie Phamotse left the country jaw dropped after tweeting about an alleged sex tape involving a business mogul, her businessman husband and a young rapper. People started speculating that she was referring to the Kumalos, something that Phamotse did not deny or confirm.

The Kumalos released a statement that they are seeking legal intervention, and the two parties’ day in court finally came. Magistrate Helen Banks ruled that Jackie Phamotse harassed the couple. The author was slapped with a harassment judgement and has been ordered not to make any comments on social media about Kumalo or face arrest.

A few days back, Phamotse released a statement that she is taking a leave from social media to concentrate on her second book.

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