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Asavela Mqokinyana Urges Parents to Teach Their Children Vernacular Languages

Asavela Mqokinyana Urges Parents to Teach Their Children Vernacular Languages. Because of nursery schools, TV programmes and just the way of life in general our black kids have gained confidence communicating in the English language.

It goes without saying that there are so many benefits of learning the English language. For one English is a very important asset when one in seeking Employment in South Africa. Most interviews are conducted in English, and the language is spoken widely in many offices. If a child has a good command of English, they get better chances of progressing in the now and future.

Sadly some learners who use English as their first language often forget their mother tongue. It doesn’t help that there is a perception in our communities that you have made it if you speak fluent English. In this case they are missing out on some things, as children who speak their home languages also learn a lot. Children who go to school with a solid foundation of their mother tongue develop literacy abilities in the language of instruction at school.

Whatever language you decide to teach your child has been a debatable topic for years. Weighing in on the issue Asavela Mqokinyana urged parents to teach their children their mother tongue. The talented actress doesn’t find it cute that one can speak English, but fail to utter a word in their home language.

fundisani ingane zenu isizulu/ xhosa okanye noma yin eniyikhulumayo endlini. Bangasazi isingisi ngoba siyakhulunya/ fundiswa eskolen kodwa ayikho nje into echazayo ngengane ehlulwa ulwimi lakubo. Isngisi nje siyadina 24/7 kumuntu omnyama. Ngithukenike,” Asavela said.

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