Advice Corner

Top 10 Basics On Bipolar

bipolar 2

You may have bipolar order if you answer “YES” to ALL of the following questions.

If the following self-screen for bipolar is positive, you should see a psychiatrist who specializes in mood disorders to confirm ad discuss any possible diagnosis of bipolar disorder. One of the frustrating bipolar disorder facts is that it requires highly skilled diagnosis.

1. Have you experienced depression for an extended period (at least 2 weeks)?
2. Was this depression so serious that it made your usual activities such as work or study impossible, or only barely possible through great personal effort?
3. As well as the serious lows of depression, have you also experienced periods of “highs” – of being so “up” that it felt like more than normal happiness?
4. Have you experienced periods of needing only small amounts (3-5 hours at most) of sleep?
5. Have you experienced racing thoughts or rapid, pressured speech?

Bipolar basics

1. Bipolar disorder used to be known as manic depressive illness.
2. It is a MOOD DISORDER characterized by MOOD SWINGS between the “highs” of bipolar mania and the “lows” of depression.
3. It is an episodic illness. In between episodes of bipolar mania and/or depression, there will usually be periods of stable or “normal” moods and wellness.
4. The usual age of onset is late teens to early twenties.
5. Bipolar disorder is NOT CURABLE and must be controlled by mood stabilizing medication. This is one of the most unpalatable but important bipolar disorder facts.
6. Despite being a life long illness, bipolar disorder is very manageable. In fact, it is one of the “best” mental illnesses to have in that there are many effective bipolar treatments available.
7. Bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed as depression in women or schizophrenia in men.
Bipolar is frequently misdiagnosed so make sure you see an experienced psychiatrist.
8. Another common misdiagnosis is to pronounce someone bipolar when they really have borderline personality disorder.
9. Untreated bipolar disorder is dangerous and may lead to suicide during depression, or self destructive activities during bipolar mania such as wild spending, crazy business ventures, sexual promiscuity or infidelity and other high risk behavior.
10. Bipolar disorder must be diagnosed and treated by an experienced psychiatrist who specializes in mood disorders.

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