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5 Love Lessons We Can All Learn From Connie And Shona Ferguson

From the outside, they’re considered “power couples” – Connie And Shona Ferguson  have successful and glamorous-sounding careers – but often they face the same challenges that any busy, modern couple typically does). Yet here’s the thing: Some of the skills that make them successful at work also tend to make them really good at turning things around at home.

connie and shona

Labelled as the ‘golden couple’ of the entertainment industry‚ the two co-own a film and TV production company called Ferguson Films and often act together. And it’s also no secret that they make the best team‚ given that they continue to produce highly-lauded shows such as Igazi‚ Rockville and more recently‚ The Queen.

But how do they keep their relationship growing strong? Here are six lessons from the couple we can learn to have better relationships with our spouses.

1.Speak up!

Communication seems like a cliche, but we have been conditioned to resolve problems by talking through them that we forget keep communicating even if things are going well. Instead of just talking about how your day went over dinner, broach new topics.

2. Be hands on

Make a point of being touchy feely, hug your partner when you leave for work or touch his arm while you’re talking. Scientists have found that just a 20 second can stimulate the release of oxytocin-so cuddle up.

3. Laugh together

Not only can laughter defuse tension, but it can also bring people closer together. Bring laughter into your relationship by reminiscing about funny moments or watching a movie you both find entertaining.

4.Have couple time

Don’t neglect quality time together-just the two of you. Prioritising your partner over your children is good for your marriage and your kids. A happy marriage/relationship makes happy children.

5. Have a Healthy Sex life

Waiting for the mood to strike? Don’t. Have sex regularly even if you don’t feel like it. Work pressures and the challenges of of family life conspire against regular sex but you shouldn’t let that stand in your way.

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