Celeb News

Kayise Ngqula Takes A Moment To Embrace and Appreciate Her Body

Kayise Ngqula Takes A Moment To Embrace and Appreciate Her Body. The moment you become comfortable with everything about yourself, is the moment you set yourself free from anyone’s opinion and claim back your power. You can’t be everyone’s cup of cake, hence you have no choice but to put yourself first in some instances.

It is not always easy to maintain that stance, more so when you are in the public eye and are female. People expect celebrities to look a certain way, and this can be daunting. Having noted that though, celebrities like, Sivenathi Mabuya, are claiming their power back, by embracing their bodies.

Kayise Ngqula, is also adopting that mentality. The talented actress and TV host, recently took to Instagram to appreciate her beautiful body. She spread some positivity on Instagram with some sexy pictures, and a cool caption of loving how she is.

I love me some me… scars, extra tummy rolls and all. Life is just too short to live it not liking who and what I am. What I can change I will and only to my hearts fulfillment, nobody else. What I can’t… Oh well that’s the package I come in, that’s how it goes. With all the devastation and sadness going around, I hope to maintain this stance in 2021 because I for one know how hard it is to pull yourself out of a dark place. Peace, light and joy are my portion.( thank God for self-timer cameras on these solo trips),” Kayise said.

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