
10 Reasons Why Natural Hair Rocks

10 Reasons Why Natural Hair Rocks. The natural hair community is growing everyday. Many black women are embracing their natural hair, and doing away with weaves, wigs and hair straightening chemicals. You might also want to join the club, but need more convincing to do so. Check out the following reasons and find out if it is really for you.

1. Time And Money Saver

Other than saving money on going to the salon weekly, going natural can save you lots of money. Unless you are a product junkie or you literally have a wash day full of oils after herbs after treatments after other treatments, having natural hair is not that costly. All you need is a shampoo and/or co-wash, conditioner, leave-in, styler, and bobby pins.

2. Sense Of Freedom And Acceptance

There is something about going natural that makes you feel liberated. It’s your own hair that grows out of your own head and you accept that! You give your hair the freedom to frizz as she pleases, fro as she grows, and spring indefinitely. There are no limits to natural hair! Everything can be achieved as long as you accept her.

3. To Inspire The Next Generation

Your little ones already want to be just like mommy! Your daughters, nieces, and grand-babies are definitely looking at you to see what is important to you. When you embrace your natural hair, they will see that natural hair signifies grace and beauty. They will learn to love their own curls, coils, kinks, and naps from the beginning of their lives. Help them take the first step in loving their hair by seeing you love your own natural hair.

4. Hair Versatility

You can be 4 different women in one week! Flat Ironed Beauty, Afrostatic Diva, Lioness Blowout and Fierce Female Twistout. With the right care, natural hair can really give you any style you are feeling for any day you want.

5. Flexibility For previous Lifestyle Conflicts

For all of you swimmers, exercisers, and yoga masters, this would be a great change for you. The one thing that you are going to do is sweat when you exercise. Yes, that’s surely inevitable. Natural hair can definitely give you the versatility to wash daily or style your hair for exercise. Also, if you are on-the-go, going natural has great options for styling: wash n go, afro, bun, etc.

6. No Harsh Chemicals

Nothing against relaxers and other processing methods, but harsh chemicals are just not healthy for you. No matter how the box is sugar-coated with added oils, herbs, and cute pictures, it’s still a harsh chemical that can affect your health in the long run.

7. Unique And Special

Natural hair is something that is praised about and loved on. Natural hair is seen as something so unique and special from everyone who passes by. Whether your natural hair is flowing and springy or fluffy and bountiful, natural hair is basically beautiful. It seems so new to other cultures and even some of us. Natural hair is the new girl in town and everyone wants a piece of her.

8. Embrace African Standards Of Beauty

Many used to believe that straight hair was the standard for beauty and poise. Kinky and coily hair was not accepted as beautiful, lovely, or appropriate. But now natural hair is everywhere. Companies want to be part of the movement, models and designers are for it, and the standard of “what is beautiful” is changing.

9. You Up For A Change

This could be from having straight hair all the time to wanting a different look. If you are looking for a change, you will definitely get that with natural hair. If you are tired of the same style over and over, going natural can give you endless options to cater to that change you are looking for.

10. Pride In Afrotastic History

If you are into the history of natural hair, then going natural would definitely be for you. You may love the history and the timeline of Black Hair and how it evolved through history to the present time. Having natural hair makes me feel like I’m part of a great history.

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