Soap Teasers

Isidingo Teasers – August 2018

Isidingo Teasers – August 2018. Coming up on Isidingo this August 2018:

Wednesday 1 August 2018
Episode 4993

The miners are up in arms about the newspaper article and turn to Hendrik for answers. Ntando can’t hide his yearning for Kgothalo. Will she succumb? Ben and Kgothalo find a vindicated Lincoln who is full of new vigour and quite the surprise. Zandre and Anja agree that an affair with Seline will make his life difficult.

Thursday 2 August 2018
Episode 4994

Nina threatens to make trouble for Lincoln, should her name make it into his memoir. Rumours about SG installing new automated mining machinery has the miners on tenterhooks about their jobs. Seline sabotages Zandre’s new client.

Friday 3 August 2018
Episode 4995

The miners worst fears come true. Everyone is shaken by Lincoln’s coming memoir. Zandre and Seline continue to flirt and Zandre is terrified when he learns that Clive’s been following him.

Monday 6 August 2018
Episode 4996

In light of the job cut announcement on Friday, the horrified miners decide to lay down their tools. Lincoln is hell-bent on publishing his memoir but faces stiff opposition. Will he be dissuaded? Seline takes her effort to seduce Zandre to the next level.

Tuesday 7 August 2018
Episode 4997

The strike continues and a radio news bulletin worsens the situation. Kgothalo receives a nasty surprise that has everybody on tenterhooks. Zandre has Wendy puzzled.

Wednesday 8 August 2018
Episode 4998

Ben and Sechaba’s friendship is tested as the miners’ strike threatens HD. Kgothalo and Ntando keep their affair going while a war brews in the background. A suspicious Clive starts to show interest in Zandre and Seline’s relationship.

Thursday 9 August 2018
Episode 4999

Kgothalo faces the prospect that her Women’s Day celebration is a flop when almost no-one pitches up. Morongwa makes an unsettling discovery in a hotel room. Nina surprises Cebisa when she shows a side of her Cebisa’s never seen.

Friday 10 August 2018
Episode 5000

The miners are baying for blood at Hendrik’s door. Sechaba warns Majola to stay away from the Lincoln case. Thabang warns Zandre not to catch feelings for Seline.

Monday 13 August 2018
Episode 5001

Things take a turn for the worse when the miners attack someone in the Lategan house. Lincoln takes a decision that has his family very scared. Clive discovers his wife’s secret.

Tuesday 14 August 2018
Episode 5002

The miners receive a lifeline but it comes at a great cost. Zandre makes a shocking discovery about Clive and Seline. Lincoln gets involved with dangerous men.

Wednesday 15 August 2018
Episode 5003

Sibiya’s life is shattered when he receives the worst possible news. Zandre’s feelings for Seline see him take a leap into the unknown. Kgothalo finds herself terrorised in her own home.

Thursday 16 August 2018
Episode 5004

What will Sibiya’s reaction be to learning he is on the retrenchment list? Lalage is determined to reactivate her career but is stonewalled by both her family and the outside world. Zandre tries to lay down the law regarding his and the Van Stadens’ arrangement, but Clive has some fun at Zandre’s expense.

Friday 17 August 2018
Episode 5005

Sibiya questions Benjamin about his expensive car, Benjamin pulls a fast one on him. Sibiya comes up with an idea for revenge but Makgorometsa has his doubts.

Lincoln tries to restore peace but it’s easier said than done when not everyone plays along. Zandre falls harder and harder for Seline but something scares him and he turns her down.

Monday 20 August 2018
Episode 5006

A defenseless Benjamin watches as his brand new car goes up in flames. Lincoln makes a phone call to arrange a secretive meeting. Seline is disappointed when Zandre drops the ball.

Tuesday 21 August 2018
Episode 5007

Benjamin is disturbed when he learns about the outcome of the investigation. Lalage’s life takes a turn for the best when she’s offered a job. Clive confronts Zandre about not getting up.

Wednesday 22 August 2018
Episode 5008

Benjamin makes a tough call putting his job in jeopardy. Lalage and Hendrik both have terrible news but neither can speak about it. Zandre’s tryst with Seline gets more complicated.

Thursday 23 August 2018
Episode 5009

Sibiya defends himself as he prepares the miners for the next and final step. Benjamin is ready to bring in the machines. The miners plan a drastic move.

Kgothalo discovers that Roman has access to all her private documents and passwords. Kgothalo sets Lincoln an ultimatum. Zandre makes a mistake and pays the price for it.

Friday 24 August 2018
Episode 5010

Striking miners, armed and angry, hijack the SG building.  Ben and Ntando set the police on the miners. The miners resist arrest and a huge brawl ensues.

Monday 27 August 2018
Episode 5011

The angry miners continue holding Sibeko Towers hostage as they seek out Benjamin and Ntando. The entire Horizon Deep is in the dark as SG fails to make a public statement and Sechaba decides it’s the last straw, Ben will listen to him as mayor.

Tuesday 28 August 2018
Episode 5012

Lincoln gets a message and his phone is broken without the miners seeing what the message said. Cebisa and Nina play truth or dare. Sechaba gets an unwanted visitor.

Wednesday 29 August 2018
Episode 5013

Thabang is distressed when he learns about his father’s condition. Cebisa proposes a lucrative business idea to Nina. Sithembiso saves the day.

Thursday 30 August 2018
Episode 5014

When the walls start closing in on them, the miners start to turn on each other. Hendrik asks a huge favour from Zandre. Seline’s relationship with someone close comes to an end.

Friday 31 August 2018
Episode 5015

Time is not on Majola and Ntombi’s side as they attempt to find Roman. Clive’s past comes knocking and the Lategan’s good intentions backfire on them unexpectedly.

Isidingo airs on SABC3 from Mondays to Fridays at 19h00.

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