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Top 5 Biggest TikTok Influencers in South Africa in 2023

TikTok is one of the social media platforms taking the world by storms, and South Africa is no exception. In recent years, the TikTok scene in South Africa has exploded, and a new generation of influencers has emerged, captivating audiences with their unique content and personalities.

Here are the top 5 TikTok influencers in South Africa in 2023 that you may want to check out. The ranking is, based on their number of followers and impact on the platform.

  1. Wian Van Den Berg (@wian)

Wian Van Den Berg is undoubtedly the local king of TikTok , with a whopping 16.2 million followers. Known for his entertaining and hilarious videos, Wian’s content ranges from lip-syncing to popular songs to skits and comedy sketches. His charismatic personality and relatable content have earned him a massive following and a dedicated fan base.

  1. Daniel Vermaak (@danielxvermaak)

With 3 million followers, Daniel Vermaak has made his mark in the industry. Known for his energetic dance videos and comedic sketches, Daniel’s content is a mix of humor, dance, and lifestyle. He has a unique ability to connect with his audience through his authentic and relatable content, making him a popular figure on the platform.

  1. Chané Grobler (@chanegrobler)

Chané Grobler is a TikTok influencer known for her creativity and artistic flair. With 2.5 million followers, Chané’s content often features her impressive makeup skills, fashion hauls, and lifestyle vlogs. Her unique and visually appealing content has garnered her a loyal following and has made her a prominent figure in the South African TikTok community.

  1. Witney Ramabulana (@witney8)

Witney Ramabulana, also known as “Witney8,” has 2.6 million followers. She is known for his engaging and humorous videos that often feature his friends and family. Witney’s content ranges from lip-syncing to popular songs to funny sketches, and his charismatic personality has won him a large and dedicated following.

  1. Troy Shepherds (@troyshepherds)

Troy Shepherds is a TikTok influencer known for his dance videos and comedic content. With 1.7 million followers, Troy’s energetic dance videos and comedic sketches have earned him a dedicated fan base. He often collaborates with other popular TikTok influencers, further expanding his reach and influence on the platform.

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