Celeb News

“I Would Never Choose Love Over Money”- Says Nomzamo Mbatha

As much as Nomzamo always shows off and expresses her admiration and love for her lover at every given opportunity she gets, she’ll never choose love over money. You don’t believe that?  Well allow us to tell you that she has recently shared, in an interview with Pearl Modiadie on Zaziwa that she would never choose love over money.

Yep believe it or not! The media personality and actress clearly fancies money more than love. Okay we must also admit that there’s no one who doesn’t love money. We are sure that she has her own reasons as to why she would choose wealth over happiness.

We guess it’s true when they say that happiness will greatly increase by having enough money. But who are we to judge here? Her life, her choices! She has made a legit choice. Only she knows why should would with that. There are tons of things you can do with money, so her choices don’t need any explanation


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