
CA Bursary Programme at Ernst & Young

Ernst & Young is inviting applications for a bursary from students who are currently studying or intend studying towards a Chartered Accountant (SA) qualification.

Bursaries awarded on academic merit:

Students who are in their matric year will only be considered for bursaries if they achieve at least a “C” symbol for maths on Higher Grade in their June exams.

Students, who have already commenced their BComm or equivalent degree at a SAICA accredited institution, will need to achieve a minimum of 60% per subject in their year end exams (or June exams if they are still in their 1st year).



Currently studying a BComm Accounting, BAcc, Business Science, CTA, HNS or equivalent. Following the CA stream


Skills & Behavioural Attributes

Bursaries will be awarded to persons who the firm believes have the commitment to qualify as a chartered Accountant (SA), have an academic record which indicated the ability to do so and with due regard to financial need.


How to apply

Click here to apply online

Closing Date: Unspecified

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