
10 Ways To Act If Your Child Is Being Bullied At School

10 Ways To Act If Your Child Is Being Bullied At School. It’s not all the time that you can tell that your child is being bullied at school. Unless your child tells you, or you see telling signs that your child is being bullied, the bullying might go on for years. If by any chance you find that your child is being bullied, as a paret or guardian you have to do everything in your power to help. Otherwise the problem can escalate, causing catastrophic harm like injuries, or even suicides.

1. Be Pro-Active

Brainstorm solutions to stop bullying before it happens or escalates. By age 3, your child is ready to learn tricks that will make them a less inviting target. You can start by promoting positive body language. A person who holds their head up appears more confident.

2. Get The Facts

Often children don’t want to let parents know they are being bullied. When pressed, they will be reluctant to provide all the information but it’s important to find out as much as you can. Ask questions gently so you can get the details. This will also help you to know what level of problem your are dealing with.

3. Be A Source of Comfort

It takes a lot for a child to open up about bullying. If they do, praise them for doing the right thing by talking to you about it. Remind your child that they’re not alone and that a lot of people get bullied at some point. Reassure your child that you will figure out what to do about the situation together.

4. Assure Them Its Not Their Fault

Sometimes kids feel like it’s their own fault, that if they looked or acted differently it wouldn’t be happening. Sometimes they’re scared that if the bully finds out that they told someone , it will get worse. Others are worried that their parents won’t believe them or do anything about it. Explain that it’s the bully who is behaving badly, not your child.

5. Avoid The Bully

Sometimes the best way to deal with a bully is to avoid them at all costs. Advice your child to use a different bathroom if a bully is nearby and don’t go to your locker if nobody else is around. The child should always make sure they have someone they trust around for protection.

6. Urge Your Child To Not Retaliate

It’s natural to get upset by the bully, but that’s what bullies thrive on. It makes them feel more powerful. Your child should practice not to react in a way to give the bully leverage. It is not easy, but it’s a useful skill for keeping off of a bully’s radar. Advice your child to take deep breaths, remain calm or walk away when being bullied. Smiling or laughing may provoke the bully, so avoid that at all costs.

7. Help Your Child Make At Least One Good Friend

A kid who sits alone in the school lunch room day after day is an easy target for victimization, which can lead to mental-health problems that persist into adulthood. Having just one loyal friend cuts the risk of long-term consequences from bullying. The friend doesn’t have to be someone who steps up and stops the bully. It’s more that the child has someone who can say to them afterward, ‘It’s not you, it’s them.”

8. Remind Your Child They Are Loved

You must also deal with your child’s feelings. It’s likely they are coping with a lot of emotional pain. Be sensitive to their feelings and do what you can to boost their self-confidence. Tell your child you love him/her and also show by actions. Kids can never hear this enough, especially when their self-esteem has taken a hit. Make sure to reinforce that they are loved and valued by you, and by their family and friends.

9. Contact the Offender’s Parents 

This is the right approach only for persistent acts of intimidation, and when you feel these parents will be receptive to working in a cooperative manner with you. Call or e-mail them in a non-confrontational way, making it clear that your goal is to resolve the matter together.

10. Work With The School

Communicate with your child’s school and report bullying incidences. You can’t expect the school staff to know everything that’s going on. Make them aware of any situations. Though more schools are implementing bullying prevention programs, many still do not have enough support or resources. Parents and teachers need to be aware and get involved so that they can monitor it appropriately.

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